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Our Admissions Process

01General Information

There are approximately 72 places available to join First Form (Year 7) each year.

The 11+ Assessment Day takes place in January and applicants must be registered by 30 November of the year preceding entry.

For entry in First Form (Year 7) in September 2025, the 11+ Assessment Day is on Tuesday 7 January 2025.

Click here to apply for a place at St Albans School

Our Admissions Department will be happy to answer any enquiries you have and to guide you through each stage of the process. They are contactable via the links below:

Telephone 01727 515182

02Visit the School

We encourage all families to get to know St Albans School better by visiting us.

We offer daytime tours to prospective families looking for 11+ or 13+ entry in 2025/26. Our daytime tours are a great opportunity to visit us during a typical school day and will provide you with first-hand experience of life at St Albans School. The tour is led by a Senior Prefect and lasts approximately 60 minutes with the option of meeting with the Admissions Team afterwards.

Click here to apply for a place at St Albans School

Please contact Admissions via the links below:

Telephone 01727 515182


03Apply for 11+ Entry

If you would like to apply for an 11+ place for entry in September 2025 onwards, please click on the link below:

Click here to complete the 11+ online application form

There is a non-refundable £150 registration fee payable when you submit your application and you will be directed to our online payment facility when you have completed the form.

Upon receipt of an application, we will request a confidential academic reference from each candidate’s current school.

Bursary applicants should contact the Admissions Department in advance of applying. 

04Entry Assessment

At our 11+ Assessment we use a mixture of adaptive and non-adaptive tests to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience. This system is bespoke for St Albans School and seeks to discover a candidate’s potential in Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning as well as creative and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and problem-solving. This is a modern and efficient testing process which is fair, clear, robust and accessible to candidates from all schools and backgrounds. The adaptive aspect of the tests provides for greater differentiation and results in a more precise evaluation of ability for high-ability candidates than standard tests. The tests are based on the National Curriculum which allows candidates in both state and independent schools to have equal accessibility.

The testing is completed online at St Albans School during the 11+ Assessment Day and candidates have the chance to undertake a familiarisation task before each test begins. There are six parts to the assessment including Maths, English, Non-verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Puzzles and Problem Solving and Creative Comprehension. All candidates will have a 1:1 individual interview with a member of staff on the Assessment Day. 

Assessments for 11+ entry in September 2025 will take place on Tuesday 7 January 2025 and Thursday 9 January 2025. The registration deadline is 30 November 2024.

Click here to view a familiarisation test and see examples of the types of questions candidates might see in the  11+ Assessment.

Click here to read a useful FAQs document which will hopefully answer any questions you may have.

Click here to apply for a place at St Albans School


At 11+ entry, we offer Choral, Music and Academic scholarships.

A scholarship is awarded for outstanding performance or potential and carries a small amount of financial remission. The majority of Academic scholarship awards are in the region of up to 25% of the fees. Choral and Music scholarships are up to 20% of the fees. 

All boys registered for entry at 11+ will be automatically considered for Academic scholarships and a separate application is not required.

If you have any questions about Scholarships please contact our Admissions Department via the links below:

Telephone 01727 515182

Choral and Music Scholarships

At 11+ entry we offer Choral and Music Scholarships awarded on the basis of an audition. Choral and Music Scholars must meet the 11+ academic standard required for entry to St Albans School in the 11+ Examination.

Auditions take place at the end of January during the second stage of the admissions process. All candidates who have been successful at the 11+ Assessment Day are invited to spend a morning or afternoon at the School.

Those to whom awards are made will be expected to play a full part in the musical life of the School.

The award value is up to 20% of the annual school fee to commence at the beginning of the First Form.

Applying for an 11+ Music Scholarship
Candidates should prepare a short programme of 3-5 minutes duration, which may include one or more pieces, and will be expected to undertake some basic aural tests. As a guideline most of the larger awards go to candidates beyond Grade 5 standard, however offers are made to candidates who are between Grades 3 and 5 or those who have taken no examinations at all.

Applying for an 11+ Choral Scholarship
Candidates should prepare a short programme of 3-5 minutes duration, which may include one or more pieces. Candidates will have good musical skills which they will be happy to demonstrate. Candidates will have a short discussion of 3-5 minutes duration where they will be asked about their musical interests and involvement in music. As a guideline most of the larger awards go to candidates beyond Grade 5 standard, however many offers are made to candidates who are between Grades 3 and 5, or those who have taken no examinations at all. Choral Scholarships are also available to candidates who have a place in a professional organisation such as a Cathedral choir.  

06Frequently Asked Questions

I’m interested in a St Albans School education for my son, where do I start?

The best place to start is to tour the School and find out more about us. We offer three Open Mornings a year and daytime tours during the week with one of our prefects. Contact the Admissions Department to arrange your visit.

I came to an Open Morning, can I come back and visit the School again?

Yes, you can attend another Open Morning or can book a daytime tour during the working week by contacting Admissions Department. Daytime tours take place three times per week with one of our prefects.

What is the difference between a Bursary and a Scholarship?

A Bursary is means-tested funding provided by the School to assist pupils in obtaining a place at St Albans School when it wouldn’t otherwise be accessible. A Scholarship is awarded for outstanding performance or potential and carries a small amount of financial remission (10% to 20%).

I am interested in applying for a Bursary, what do I need to do?

You can indicate when completing your online registration form that you would like to be considered for a Bursary. The Admissions Department will be in touch to discuss the next steps. The level of funding award is usually between 40-100%.

For more information on assistance with fees (bursaries), please click here.

I’ve completed the registration form, when will I hear from the School again?

The 11+ Assessment Day information is sent to parents at the beginning of December via email.

Will my son have an interview?

Yes, all boys will have a short individual interview at the 11+ Assessment Day and no preparation is required.

How many boys will sit the exam and what are my son’s chances of being offered a place?

We usually see approx 300 boys at the 11+ Assessment Day, with approx 72 places available. However, a few additional places may be awarded at the Headmaster’s discretion if the cohort is academically strong.

Approximately 50% of applicants will be invited to the second-round call back sessions.

What is the pass mark?

We don’t release any of our pass marks or pupils’ results however individual feedback may be sought following the assessments from the Registrar.

How do I apply for a Scholarship at 11+?

All boys are automatically eligible to be considered for an Academic Scholarship as they are awarded to the top performing boys. Choral and Music Scholarships are available and application forms will be sent to all those who have expressed an interest. The majority of Academic scholarship awards are in the region of up to 25% of the fees. Choral and Music scholarships are up to 20% of the fees. 

When will we find out if my son has been invited to the second-round call back sessions?

Boys successful in the first stage at our 11+ Assessment Day will be notified by the first Friday following the assessment.

What happens during the call back sessions?

During the call back sessions, boys will be invited to take part in two trial lessons with a group of other boys. During this time, parents will be invited to stay with us for a tour of the School and a few short presentations.

When and how will we find out if my son has been offered a place?

For entry in September 2025, in accordance with the North London Consortium offers will be made on Friday 14 February 2025.