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Exam Results

A LEVEL and gcse RESULTS 2024

We are delighted with the results and individual successes of all our pupils this year. Please click on the links below to view a breakdown of results.

A Level results 2024

9 candidates have achieved at least 4 A* grades+ and 36 candidates have gained at least 3 A* grades+. 1 candidate has achieved an extraordinary 5 A* grades+.

65 candidates (over one third of our entry) gained at least 2 A* grades+ and 95 candidates (over half of our entry) gained at least 1 A* grade+.

including the Extended Project Qualification

Candidature 179
Total entries 566
Percentage pass rate 100.0
Percentage grades A*, A & B 91
Percentage grades A* & A 70
Percentage grade A* 32
UCAS points per entry 47
UCAS points per candidate 149
Total entries 628
Percentage pass rate 100.0
Percentage grades A*, A & B 91
Percentage grades A* & A 71
Percentage grade A* 34
UCAS points per entry 45
UCAS points per candidate 158
Total entries 635
Percentage pass rate 100.0
Percentage grades A*, A & B 91
Percentage grades A* & A 71
Percentage grade A* 34
UCAS points per entry 45
UCAS points per candidate 159

"Overall these are a superb set of results from a year group that has displayed strong commitment to their academic studies and to our wide-ranging co-curricular programme in equal measure. I offer my warm congratulations to them on their achievements in all areas during their time at the School and, today especially, on the outstanding A Level results that many have achieved.

As every year, A Level results’ day brings a mix of emotions: disappointment for some as well as elation for others. Whilst celebrating with the latter group, we are providing close support and guidance for those whose plans have unfortunately not come to fruition with the results published today.

Examinations grades are only a small element of the many holistic benefits of a St Albans School education: our leavers can now step forward into the adult world confident that the learning skills and values they have developed during their time with us will stand them in good stead for the continuation of their learning journey, both at university and in the professional world. We wish them every personal happiness and success in the future." 

Jonathan Gillespie, Headmaster

GCSE results 2024

St Albans School celebrates many outstanding individual achievements in our 2024 GCSE results:

68% of examinations taken were awarded grades 9-8 and 87% were awarded grades 9-7.

42% of the cohort achieved at least eight 9s and 8s. 32% of the cohort achieved at least nine 9s and 8s, and 29 candidates (22% of the cohort) achieved at least ten 9s and 8s. 

More than half of our candidates gained at least seven grades 9-8.

Almost three quarters of the year group gained at least five grades 9-8, with almost two thirds of the cohort gaining at least six grades 9-8.

Candidature 133
Total entries 1299
Percentage pass rate 9-4 99.5
Percentage grades 9-7 87
Percentage grades 9-8 68
Percentage gaining 9-4 in at least 5 subjects 100
Percentage gaining 9-4 in English 100

 Percentage gaining 9-4 in Mathematics