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Computer Science

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Computer Science is an exciting and highly relevant subject that develops important skills such as analysis, precision, problem-solving and resilience. It is the study of how computer systems work, how they are designed and programmed and the impact of technology on society.

Our curriculum takes a rigorous and academic approach which aims to give all pupils a thorough grounding in the subject. 

First Form (Year 7) pupils cover a combination of digital literacy and Computer Science topics including data modelling and programming. In the Second Form (Year 8), pupils study additional topics such as artificial intelligence, flowcharting and computer security. Pupils who choose to continue their study of Computer Science into the Third Form (Year 9) further develop their skills and understanding with topics such as web development, Python programming and computer architecture. 

The GCSE course helps pupils to appreciate current and emerging computing technologies and further develop their problem-solving skills through programming.

At A Level, pupils encounter topics such as object-oriented programming, networking and databases and spend a significant amount of time working on individual programming projects.